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New to photography? Not only will this worksheets help you understand aperture and aperture settings on your camera, you will also get first-hand experience on the effect that each setting has on your image.  


I am sure that this is one of the most underrated aspects in photography.  Once you have worked through all the opportunities that this set of worksheets have to offer, it will definitely get your creative juices flowing.

Everybody with a camera that has Manual Mode, Aperture Priority and Shutter Speed Priority.  This would mostly be referring to digital SLR-cameras, but many bridge cameras also have the mentioned mode settings.  I am so proud of these worksheets, because both new and experienced photographers will benefit from these worksheets.

Newbies will learn all about the settings and effects that they have on the final result of the image.  

Experienced photographers have their golden settings that will work for them.  However, sticking to these settings has a tendency where you limit yourself by not taking risks.  As the saying goes - if it works don’t fix it.  Yeah right... Beware of being stuck in the rut.

And what is nice, there are a lot of goodies included in the box for you to keep - well, that is after you have used them to create the images.

To top it all off, buy all 3 sets together and you will save at least R495.00.  For list of benefits and savings, scroll down to the comparison chart.

Learn about the different shutter speed settings and what effect they can contribute in your photographs.

Mail: of Perspective Worksheets&body=Hi Markus,

Please send me the application form for the Perspective Worksheets.


Enhance your photography with these easy-to-follow, practical worksheets.  Each set gets customized for your equipment.

They may be purchased individually or as a set.  

Sample of worksheets and some of the goodies
that is included in the price.
“Your worksheets inspired my creativity a lot.!”
- Rosh